Welcome to AMEC’s News Archive. Here is the latest news focuses on providing information, knowledge sharing and best practice.

Is a perception always true to reality?

Petra Masinova, Global Director of Reputation Intelligence, Kantar,…

Student Summit Session Perspective: Changing behaviour, protecting the NHS, saving lives

The past year has been absolutely challenging for the state government.…

Changing behaviour, protecting the NHS, saving lives

In a though-provoking presentation from three leading lights…

The PR industry is growing back strongly – driven by evolution of its services

A fireside chat participated in between the UK and Argentina…

When measuring brand value, keep it simple

What important considerations should we keep in mind when gathering…

AMEC launches a new way to learn with the Foundation Course in Measurement and Evaluation

Are you new to the topic of measurement and evaluation and want…

An event is an event is an event

Once upon a time, an event was a simple thing – it took place…
Framework Planning

How to plan with the AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework

Why do we need planning? It’s a poser put forward by Richard…

How Business Wins in the Purposeful Age

The layers of value and purpose embedded across a business –…

AMEC Global Summit 2021 To Focus On Planning, Purpose & Proof

Maja Pawinska Sims provides a great overview of sessions to come…

The essentials of measurement beginning with PR planning

AMEC's Johna Burke interviewed on pinpointing the essentials…

Twenty-five ways PR agencies can embrace better measurement and evaluation

For 25 years, the Association for the Measurement and Evaluation…

“Successful #AI Response is in Minutes not Months.”

Webinar with Greg Tarr, CEO of Inferex, and winner of the BTYSTE  By…