Summit 2018 – Communicating in a Congested Information Space

Carmen Romero, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Nato

Summit 2018 – State of the Industry – Through the Measurement Lens!

We ask AMEC’s original Barcelona Principles partners what they feel has happened since AMEC held the first Global Summit in Berlin 10 years ago – and what could or should happen in the next 10 years!

Summit 2018 – Aligning Insights for Impact?

Jamin Spitzer, Senior Director, Comms Insights, Microsoft

Summit 2018 – Impacting Business through Strategic Role of Metrics

Teresa Manueco Pfeiffer, Director of Communications, CSR & Institutional Relations, CEPSA

Summit 2018 – Towards a world of reliable rotation

Sofia Noord, Group Marketing Manager, Market Analysis and insights, SKF Group

Summit 2018 – The Perfect Mix – Applying the Integrated Evaluation Framework for Campari Group

Chiara Latella, Global Brand PR Manager, Italian Icons & Gin, Campari Group and Allison Spray, Director of Director of Data and Insights, Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Summit 2018 – Weighing in on measurement

Jenny Caven, Head of External Affairs, Slimming World

AMEC Summit 2017 Summit Scene Setter Workshop

The results of the AMEC Global Business Insights Survey will be available at the Global Summit for the first time.