Any contribution by an AMEC leader or member

Begin with measurement and analytics

Nicole Moreo, Senior Vice President, Analytics, Ketchum Inc One…

Pitching for PR measurement investment

A PR manager stands before her assembled board members. “I’d…

Colour coded post it notes and a wall, is all you need to get started with the AMEC Framework

It’s been perhaps the busiest measurement month ever in 2019…

What Henry V can teach us

What Henry V can teach us about persuading clients to abandon…

Putting Planning at the Heart of Measurement

There’s something pleasingly ironic about November being AMEC…

How do you build an agency measurement and evaluation practice from the ground up?

Measurement. It is a fundamental part of almost every brief we…

European Members Fireside Chat

As the AMEC community assembles for Measurement Month 2019, our…

Five behavioural ‘nudges’ to help drive culture change in your organisation

Let’s be honest: change is hard. Whether it’s keeping…

Manchester PR agencies collaborate in global knowledge sharing push


Three measurement myths debunked

What’s stopping you doing measurement? According to the…

How PR can play a major role in commercial measurement and attribution

Contrary to popular belief, PRs can and should play a major role…

4 Copyright Intersections; Risk, Requirements, Responsibility, Redux

By Dan Schaible, Schaibleintell Consulting 1 - The intersection…