Any contribution by an AMEC leader or member

The Journey from Social Listening to Enterprise Decision Intelligence

For over a decade and half now, social listening data has held…

Embracing Podcasts and Opportunity for Advanced Data Analytics

Podcasts, not the next big thing. It’s here now. Media…

The power of Machine Learning in Communication and PR

Manual tagging versus new technologies Automatic text analysis…

Machine Learning Meets Media Analysis: From Hype to Reality

There is hardly any industry that has not jumped on the AI and…

JOIN The New AMEC Gen Hub

Welcome to the AMEC Gen Hub. There’s nothing quite like…

The New Normal: Is there PR after pandemic?

Speaking at the AMEC Virtual Global Summit on Measurement, Lilia…

Rules of engagement: A 360-degree view of media topics and their audience

The profusion of media data is growing at such a rapid rate that…

Is a perception always true to reality?

Petra Masinova, Global Director of Reputation Intelligence, Kantar,…

Changing behaviour, protecting the NHS, saving lives

In a though-provoking presentation from three leading lights…