Summit 2018 – Impacting Business through Strategic Role of Metrics

Teresa Manueco Pfeiffer, Director of Communications, CSR & Institutional Relations, CEPSA

Summit 2018 – Towards a world of reliable rotation

Sofia Noord, Group Marketing Manager, Market Analysis and insights, SKF Group

Summit 2018 – The Perfect Mix – Applying the Integrated Evaluation Framework for Campari Group

Chiara Latella, Global Brand PR Manager, Italian Icons & Gin, Campari Group and Allison Spray, Director of Director of Data and Insights, Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Summit 2018 – Weighing in on measurement

Jenny Caven, Head of External Affairs, Slimming World


AMEC members are organising more than 40 global events as part of AMEC’s Global Education Program – with more still being added!