Welcome to AMEC’s News Archive. Here is the latest news focuses on providing information, knowledge sharing and best practice.

Summit Programme Published

See the Speaker Programme for the AMEC Global Summit on Measurement in Barcelona.
David Stevens

PR Professionals Need To Do More About Measurement

Dave Stevens, Marketing Director, British Land thinks the measurement of marketing has evolved but PR analytics has not evolved with the times but the author thinks the profession is letting down the professional and trade associations need to do more.

Measurement in The New World of Earned First Ideas

The mistake of people who dismiss measurement is their failure to grasp why it is vital to the future of their business, their craft and the relationships they hold with clients.

Big names at the Summit – Book now!

International experts from around the world will be amongst more than 60 speakers at the AMEC Global Summit in Barcelona in June.

Through the measurement lens – Leaders look back to look ahead!

Leaders of global organisations with members throughout the world are joining together to shape the future of PR and communications measurement in the next decade.

Hear this now! – IABC webinar

AMEC Chairman Richard Bagnall took part in a webinar organised by AMEC’s Asia Pacific Chapter and IABC.

Kudos to Jim – Highest honour

Jim Macnamara, Chair of AMEC’s Advisory Group, has been elevated to the title of Distinguished Professor at his University in Australia.

AMEC in China – CIPRA collaboration

AMEC is joining forces with Isentia to run a PR workshop in Beijing this month for members of CIPRA, the China International Public Relations Association.

Insights Survey launching

All AMEC members are being asked to take part in the 9th AMEC Global Business Insights Study which will be emailed to you w/c 19th March.

Good luck in the shortlist!

Judges are now at work assessing a record number of entries received in this year’s AMEC Effectiveness Awards. 

AMEC Summit Book Now!

Join other delegates and book early for the Global Summit to benefit from EarlyBird rates. 

College course sign-up

Bookings are being taken for the next running of the new-look AMEC International Certificate in Measurement which starts on Monday 23rd April. 

Free webinar!

AMEC Chairman Richard Bagnall is taking part in an IABC APAC webinar, “Building your own winning measurement programme – irrespective of budget! 

Change the Record on PR Measurement – 8 tips to takeaway today By Gemma Moroney, Mischief

Gemma Moroney, Planning Director at Mischief PR, has developed her own hit record approach to help people ‘change the record’ on measurement for the industry – 8 tips all inspired by song titles.

Measurement – the big hopes for 2018

Barry Leggetter, CEO of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC), explores what earned media measurement will look like in 2018 and predicts what the year will bring for communicators.