2023 Entries Now Open

Entries are via the Award 2023 platform here.

Early Bird Deadline – 3 July 2023

Final deadline – 26 July 2023

Shortlist – 3 October 2023

Entry Guidance


You are eligible to enter more than one category and can enter the same entry into multiple categories.
The work must have been carried out for each entry between 14 February 2022 and 26 July 2023 and cannot have been entered into the AMEC Awards 2022.

Supporting materials

Each entry can be accompanied by supporting materials supplied as follows: Maximum file size 20MB per piece, 1 supporting information document of a maximum of 4 sides (file types – doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx) and 1 video (file types –  mov, mp4, mpeg, mpeg4) can be uploaded. Supporting materials may be provided to illustrate and give examples for an entry and will be referred to by the judges for this purpose alone.

Budget range

Measurement programmes with small budget are welcomed as often these are the most original and innovative evaluations.

Category choice

Judges reserve the right to change the category in which an entry has been submitted if it is more appropriate in another category

Entry fees

Entry fees must be paid online at the time of completing the submission. If your submissions have not been paid for at close of entry they will not be included for judging. You will receive an invoice/receipt on payment.  

Entry Fees –  Private sector organisations
– Entries submitted by deadline Monday 3 July 2023 end of your working day.

Early Bird Entry Fees:

AMEC Member: £250+ 20% VAT
Non-Member: £350 + 20% VAT

Standard Entry Fees:
– Entries submitted between Tuesday 4 July and FINAL deadline Wednesday 26 July 2023

AMEC Member: £315+ 20% VAT
Non-Member: £415 + 20% VAT

Entry Fees –  Not-for-profit & public sector organisations
– Entries submitted by deadline Monday 3 July 2023 end of your working day

Early Bird Entry Fees:

AMEC Member: £225+ 20% VAT
Non-Member: £325 + 20% VAT

Standard Entry Fees:
– Entries submitted between Tuesday 4 July and FINAL deadline Wednesday 26 July 2023

AMEC Member: £295+ 20% VAT
Non-Member: £395 + 20% VAT


Judging Criteria

The judges will be looking for this in your entry:

  • Sets out a clear plan, linked through to clear, measurable (SMART) objectives, targets and KPIs
  • Demonstrates an organisational challenge that measurement and evaluation helped to solve
  • Demonstrates how the company has achieved against the objectives to make a tangible contribution to the organisation.
  • Demonstrates impact of the programme on target audiences.
  • Shows a link between your activity and your or your client’s business or organisational goals and specifically demonstrates impact on business outcomes.
  • The measurement and evaluation should be in line with AMEC’s Barcelona Principles and the integrated evaluation framework.
  • Any entry using AVEs/PR value as a measure will result in a zero score.

Entry Guidance – judges scoring and entry word count



Summary – 100 word summary of the entry 

Objective/Brief (10 out of 100 points) – 200 words
Shows an understanding of the client’s communications challenge, and how measurement approaches can help to answer them.

 Strategy (20 out of 100 points) – 250 words
Recommended measurement and reporting approach and level of planning to answer the brief considering any use of integrated touchpoints and how each will be measured to determine their contribution to overall results.

Execution/Implementation (30 out of 100 points) – 300 words
Design of measurement approaches including their originality, innovation, appropriateness of the methods used as they apply to one or more channels used; and use of any partners or client stakeholders in the process.

Effectiveness of Assignment (40 out of 100 points) – 400 words
Quality of recommendations provided to meet client objectives and any business outcomes set and understanding of which channels drove results for the client (where relevant). Examine the reliability of research results. Did the client act on the report and obtain good commercial value from the evaluation? How this work will impact future communications planning. The measurement and evaluation should be in line with AMEC’s Barcelona Principles and the integrated evaluation framework. In line with AMEC’s commitment to the Barcelona Principles framework, the use of AVEs/PR value as a measure will result in a zero score in this section.


Objective/Brief (10 out of 100 points) – 200 Words
Has the PR or in-house communications team set out genuine business objectives – going beyond communication and coverage strategies – to drive real financial results for a client? Have measurement tools and success KPI’s been identified?

Strategy (20 out of 100 points) – 250 Words
Target consumer/stakeholder groups are well defined and research conducted leading to insights which were used to guide a clear and differentiated strategy for the client.

Execution/Implementation (30 out of 100 points) – 300 Words
Originality, creativity, courage and integration of the execution plans to deliver the strategy and influence desired behaviour/opinions.

Campaign Effectiveness (40 out of 100 points) – 400 Words
Impact of the campaign on target audiences attitudes/opinions and ultimately on delivering the business objectives set out. Includes robustness and reliability of the measurement methods used to assess effectiveness and assessment of individual and integrated touchpoints in delivering the overall business result. The measurement and evaluation should be in line with AMEC’s Barcelona Principles and the integrated evaluation frameworkIn line with AMEC’s commitment to the Barcelona Principles framework, the use of AVEs/PR value as a measure will result in a zero score in this section.


AMEC large, mid-sized and small communications, research and measurement team (organisation) of the year
(1000 words max each section)

Technology & investment (10 out of 50 points)
Highlight how the organisation/team uses technology and an investment in people to deliver insights and business intelligence for its clients.
Turnover growth & footprint (15 out of 50 points)
Provide evidence of turnover growth in the organisations/teams measurement, evaluation and analytics capabilities and business. This can include for large organisations an evidence of increasing the geographic footprint through acquisitions or new office openings.
Data, engagement & insights (10 out of 50 points)
Describe how the organisation/team positions itself to be seen as data, engagement and insights driven.
Achievements in development (10 out of 50 points)
Show achievements in the organisations/teams development as evidence of how the it has re-engineered its business model through new products and service offerings
Thought leadership (5 out of 50 points)
Provide evidence of thought leadership through conferences and education.

Young professional of the year (1000 words max on each section)
All areas of communication measurement (10 out of 50 points)
Valuable contribution (10 out of 50 points)
Excellent service delivery (10 out of 50 points)
How they develop/drive the business (10 out of 50 points)
Promise as a future leader (10 out of 50 points)

Executive professional of the year (1000 words max on each section)
All areas of communication measurement (10 out of 50 points)
Valuable contribution (10 out of 50 points)
Excellent service delivery (10 out of 50 points)
How they develop/drive the business (10 out of 50 points)
Proof of leadership (10 out of 50 points)

Terms and Conditions

On entering the AMEC Awards you agree to the following:

Your personal data that AMEC collects will be processed by AMEC. It will be kept confidential and secure once received. AMEC does not sell or rent personal information to other organisations. AMEC will use the personal data to provide you with information, products and services on AMEC.

After the AMEC Awards 2023 winners have been announced in November 2023, Gold winning entries will be showcased as case studies on the resources page of amecorg.com. We will first check your approval on the entry.

The judging process


The judges will be asked in groups to score each entry considering any supporting information using the judging criteria. The highest scoring entries will determine the shortlist. The judges will not be involved in the judging of any categories their organisation has entered.

Grand Prix judging

All the Golds (the highest scoring entry in each category) will go into the Grand Prix judging. The Chair of the judges will make the final decision if there is a tie.