AMEC Board Elections

AMEC Full Member Ballot – 4 Vacancies – See all nominees and download the Ballot Form below
The following 7 candidates have been nominated for the 4 Full Member Director positions available, click the links to read their Election Manifesto and download the Full Member Ballot form to vote for the 2022-2023 Full Member BOD appointments.

  1. Barnaby Barron, Insights Director, Cision – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  2. Simon Gebauer, CCO, <<Observer>> – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  3. Raina Lazarova, Co-founder and CCO, Ruepoint – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  4. Philip Lynch, Insights Director, Kantar Media Intelligence – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  5. Aseem Sood, CEO, Impact Research and Measurement Pvt India – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  6. Jake Steadman, Global VP of Research and Insight, Vuelio (Access Intelligence) – Nomination and Election Manifesto
  7. Carlos Villa, Co-founder and CEO BUHO Media – Nomination and Election Manifesto

The 7 candidates listed above have been validly nominated for election. As there are only 4 vacancies we ask members to complete the ballot form to vote for your preferred candidates. ONLY Full Members can vote in this ballot.

Please cast FOUR votes for your FOUR preferred candidates and forward the completed Ballot paper via e-mail to on behalf of the two scrutineers (Johna Burke and Julie Wilkinson).

  • Please complete by the deadline of THURSDAY 4 NOVEMBER 2021.