Contact Us & FAQs

Sponsorship opportunities

Johna Burke
Global Managing Director
+1 602 319 6726

Summit and AMEC Awards Ceremony enquiries

Nicola Gardiner
Event Manager
+44 (0) 7971 813677

Invoice payment & AMEC membership queries

Julie Wilkinson
Finance Manager
+ (0) 7765 251393

The AMEC UK VAT number is: GB744051063


When will the conference programme be available?

Details will be posted on the Summit website as soon as speakers are confirmed.

How much is the delegate fee?

Standard attendee £350 + VAT
AMEC Member £250 +VAT
Industry Partner Member (CIPR, ICCO, IPR, PRCA, PRSA) £250 +VAT
Government/academics/not-for-profit organisations £200 +VAT
Enterprise delegate offer (up to 15 delegates) £2000 +VAT

What does the delegate fee include?

  • 2 days of keynote presentations
  • Additional webinar presentations throughout 2020
  • A ticket to the virtual AMEC Awards 2020
  • Access to speaker presentations subject to speaker agreement
  • Delegates attending live sessions will have Q&A opportunity with speakers

I only want to attend the virtual AMEC Awards 2020, is that possible?

Yes. Contact

Am I eligible for the AMEC Member rate?

Yes, if your AMEC Membership is in good standing. If you have a question about your AMEC membership please contact

Am I eligible for the AMEC Member Industry Partner rate?

Yes, If you are a member in good standing with the following organisations CIPR, ICCO, IPR, PRCA and PRSA.

How can I pay by invoice?

To pay by invoice register for the Summit and choose Pay by invoice in the payment method.

Please note credentials to access the event will not be released until payment is received

What is the cancellation policy for the Virtual Summit

There is no cancellation policy. A substitute delegate can always be nominated. No shows do not qualify as cancellations and no refunds will be made for no shows. Please note that if you book using either credit card or invoice as a method of payment, that is confirmation of your attendance and the above policy still applies.

Payment must be immediate and before the event. Credentials to access the event will not be released until payment is received.

How can I reserve virtual exhibitor space in the virtual exhibit hall?

Email for more information.

How can my organisation become a Summit and/or AMEC Awards sponsor?

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information contact

Delegate list

By registering for the event you agree to be included in the official attendee list which may be supplied to delegates, sponsors and exhibitors before and after the event. Please note you may be contacted by these parties. Your name, position, organisation, state, country and email address may be included in this list. The delegate details will be used to provide delegates with updates about the event and also to share messages from our sponsors.

Credit card third party

AMEC uses a credit card third party called Stripe to provide services and this third party will only use the data for the purpose for which it was provided.

Can I receive a certificate of attendance?

Yes, a certificate of attendance may be required by our partner organisations to ensure you attain continuing education / professional development credits. Please e-mail following the Summit to request a copy.