Michael Blowers

  • Job Title: AMEC, CIPR & Media Evaluation Research
  • Company: Media Evaluation Research
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • City: London


Michael is a Fellow of AMEC (International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication). Prior to starting Media Evaluation Research he spent fourteen years at Kantar Media / TNS Media Intelligence where he started their PR analysis service.

He has passed the exam for the Google Analytics Qualification.

He has Diplomas from the Chartered Institute Marketing and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations where he is also one of their Accredited Practitioners. For a number of years he has been a judge for the AMEC Awards and the CIPR’s Excellence & PRide awards. He currently sits on Council for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Areas of Expertise

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Further Info

Proposed Presentation Titles

  • End to end campaign measurement
  • Finding insights from data
  • Running a measurement programme on a limited budget
  • 10 things which will shape PR measurement
  • Using AMEC’s Integrated Evaluation Framework