Lilia Glazova

  • Job Title: CEO, PR News AMEC
  • Country: Russia
  • City: Moscow


Lilia has 15 years of experience in PR measurement. She has been managing PR News as CEO since 2007 and has developed the company to one of the leading one in the indistry in Russia. She started her career in political PR in Moscow Fund of Parlamentarism Development and Social Information in 2001. Next 3 years she spent in PRP Weber Shandwick, Moscow office, from 2002 to 2005 and then 2 years in PR News on different positions from analysis and business development.

In addition to her work experience Lilia passionately believes in the importance of education. She graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sociology Faculty and Russian State Open University of Railway Transport, Economics Faculty. In 2014 Lilia has just graduated from University of Pittsburgh, Katz School of Business, EMBA. But Lilia believes not only in self-education but also education of the industry. She is a member of the expert jury of Annual Student Competition “Crystal Orange”.

Lilia is an active player at the Russian PR market and she is a frequent speaker at industry conferences (International Arab PR Conference 2014, PR Russia Forum 2012, 2013, 2014; Russian Internet Week, Brand Day 2012, Russian Marketing Week 2013, 2014, etc.)

Areas of Expertise

Personal Contact Details

Company Contact Details

Further Info

  • KPI for different markets – in search for the ideal formula for all
  • CSR and media measurement: experience from the local market
  • Discovering cultural differences on social media
  • PR instruments and media measurement. How media measurement can help to develop a communication strategy