Jon Meakin

  • Job Title: President, North America - Clarity
  • Country: United States
  • City: San Francisco


Jon has more than 25 years’ public relations experience, encompassing consumer, corporate, and business-to-business communications, and crisis and issues management. His career to date has seen him work for boutique agencies and international networks alike, on both sides of the Atlantic. 

In September 2020 Jon was appointed President, North America, for Clarity, where, as well as being responsible for the growth and strategic direction of the agency’s expanding US footprint, he is also global lead on measurement, evaluation and impact. 

Prior to this, Jon ran the West Coast team for Grayling, where he oversaw strategy and execution for domestic and international clients, from startups to blue chip multinationals. He was concurrently responsible for that agency’s global Strategic Services team, whose remit encompassed research, insights and strategy; measurement and evaluation; creative and content solutions; and the agency’s proprietary online reputation management tool, which Jon developed.  

Jon is a regular judge of PR and creative industry awards, a speaker at international conferences, and has run crisis simulation exercises for clients and conference delegates the world over.

In addition, Jon has been a Board member of the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) since 2018, and is the founding Chair of that body’s Agency Group, where his focus is on embedding measurement and evaluation best practice throughout the PR agency world.   

British born, Jon is currently resident in San Francisco.

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