Jim Macnamara

  • Job Title: Professor of Public Communication at the University of Technology Sydney and a Visiting Professor at London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Country: Australia
  • City: Sydney


Jim Macnamara PhD is Professor of Public Communication at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), a role he took up in 2007 after a distinguished 30-year career in professional communication practice spanning journalism, corporate and marketing communication, and media and communication research.

In 2016 he was also appointed Visiting Professor at London School of Economics and Political Science, Media and Communications Department, working with LSE media, communication, psychology, and political science academics on research projects. During this time he  also worked with the UK Cabinet Office following up on projects that he undertook in 2014 and 2015 in relation to listening and citizen engagement.

In  2015 Jim concluded a two-year, three-country study of how and how well corporate, government, and non-government organisations listen to their stakeholders and publics, which has been reported in a research report available online, a number of journal articles, a public lecture at London School of Economics and Political Science, and a book (Organizational Listening: The Missing Essential in Public Communication published by Peter Lang, New York, 2016).

As well as his cutting edge research into organisational listening including the use of digital techniques and social media, Jim is internationally recognised for his research in relation to measurement and evaluation of public communication. His achievements and appointments include:

  • Advisor on development of the UK Government Communication Service (GCS) Evaluation Framework in 2015 and appointed a member of the GCS Evaluation Council in 2016;
  • Fellow of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) and Chair of the AMEC Academic Advisory Group;
  • One of the key architects of the new AMEC Integrated Evaluation Frameworklaunched in June 2016;
  • Member of the US Task Force on Standardization of Communication Planning, Objective Setting and Evaluation Models;
  • Commissioned to review government advertising and communication by the state government of New South Wales, Australia’s largest state headquartered in Sydney, which spends more than US$100 million a year on public communication, and develop the NSW government’s new evaluation framework introduced in 2016.

Jim is the author of 16 books including The 21st Century Media (R)evolution: Emergent Communication Practices (Peter Lang, New York, 2014);Organizational Listening: The Missing Essential in Public Communication (Peter Lang, New York, 2016); and Evaluating Public Communication: Exploring New Models, Standards, and Best Practice (forthcoming in 2017 by Routledge, UK).

Personal Contact Details

Company Contact Details

  • Job Title: Professor of Public Communication at the University of Technology Sydney and a Visiting Professor at London School of Economics and Political Science.

Further Info

Proposed Presentation Titles
  • Evaluation of Public Communication – Latest Trends, Models and Standards
  • Organisational Listening – Key to Engagement, Trust and Relationships