Jesper Andersen

  • Job Title: Strategic Communication Measurement & Insights Advisor
  • Company: Quantum PR Measurement
  • Country: Denmark
  • City: Copenhagen


Jesper Andersen is a strategy advisor and international keynote speaker specialising in communication measurement and evaluation. He is the managing director and lead consultant of Quantum PR Measurement.

Jesper consults for private companies, organisations and public authorities – including the European Union’s Regional Development Fund and Interreg co-operation.

He is also a popular keynote speaker and facilitator of masterclasses and workshops on communication measurement & evaluation at conferences around the world. In the past couple of years this has brought him to a number of cities including Copenhagen, London, Brussels, Istanbul, Riyadh, Belgrade, Bergen and Oslo.

In 2016, Lissted in the UK put Jesper at number 83 on the list of the Top 100 PR Measurement Influencers in the world.

In 2017, he founded Measurement Day – a new annual Nordic conference on communication measurement & evaluation.

Areas of Expertise

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