AMEC has four member categories, click on the link to obtain more detail:
Full Member, Research Member / Common Ground Agency Member, Associate Member In-House Communication members, and Non Profit Members.

Every AMEC member has the opportunity to take part in the activities of the Regional Chapter for their geography. AMEC has Chapters in North AmericaAsia and Europe and Latin America and MEA.

  • We’re a different pro-active and highly responsive type of professional trade body.
  • We’re big in terms of resource because we engage members across the world in our work.
  • We understand that members expect something in return for their membership subscription.
  • We’re the organisation known for leading the Barcelona Principles initiative. Developing the Integrated Evaluation Framework and the M3
  • We are continually innovating– our latest initiative is the “Say No to AVEs”campaign and enhancements to our AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework.
  • We believe in collaboration with other industry trade groups.
  • We invest budget annually to educate the global marketplace on measurement for the benefit of our members.

There are a number of benefits available to AMEC Members.  Perhaps some of the most important are credibility, knowledge sharing, information resources such as case studies, staff development and marketing opportunities.  However, we also offer members a number of more tangible benefits such as discounts on various AMEC activities.

Significant Membership discounts are offered on the following:

AMEC College and Events:
– AMEC Foundation Course in Media Measurement and Evaluation – Free to AMEC members.
– AMEC Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation – Significant discounts offered to AMEC members
– AMEC Global Communication Effectiveness Awards – Significant discounts offered to AMEC members
– AMEC Global Communication Effectiveness Awards Ceremony – discounts offered to all members
– AMEC Global Measurement and Evaluation Summit – discounts offered to all members