Contact: Francois Van Dyk, Operations Manager
Tel: 011 884-5041

Ornico is a Brand Intelligence research company headquartered in South Africa with offices in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Lagos, Nigeria. It also offers monitoring and analysis services across the African continent via partnerships and agreements.

Established in 1984 as an advertising monitoring company, it evolved to offer various media monitoring, analytical and research services for brands, agencies, organisations and governments.

Basic services include editorial and advertising monitoring across television, radio, print, internet and social media, mobile, outdoor and direct marketing. Premium services include media, communication and reputational analysis through to comprehensive Brand Intelligence reports which provide a thorough independent view of a brand and its competitors in the media landscape.

In 2012 Ornico was instrumental in the establishment of the first South African media monitoring industry body, SAMMA (The South African Media Monitoring and Measurement Association) with Ornico CEO Oresti Patricios chairing the industry body.

Ornico joined FIBEP (Federation Internationale des Bureaux d’Extraits de Presse) in 2012 and became AMEC members in 2014 (International association for the measurement and evaluation of communication.)

Ornico aims to standardise media research and analysis in Africa with further expansion across the continent currently underway.