Contact: Manuel Romano
Tel: +32-2-296 24 54
Address: Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels (BELGIUM)

The European Commission is the European Union’s politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation and promotes the general interest of the EU. It enforces legislation as well as implements policies and the EU budget.

Communication being a key tool to bring the European Union closer to citizens, the European Commission needs to systematically assess the actual impact of its communication actions. This is done with a view to continuously improve the European Commission Directorate-General for Communication’s communication campaigns, products and services.

Coordination and support is provided by the evaluation team in the “Planning, Budget, and Evaluations” Unit of the Directorate-General for Communication. The evaluation team also ensures that the Better Regulation principles are implemented in the communication domain in line with the European Commission Secretariat-General’s central guidance on designing and evaluating EU policies and laws transparently, with evidence, and backed up by the views of citizens and stakeholders.