Contact: Mia Agova
Address: 117 Hristo Botev blvd., 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria

A Data Pro makes sense of information. We specialize in content, data and business intelligence services, offering comprehensive, tailor-made media monitoring and analysis, automation, and risk and compliance solutions.

With over 20 years on the market, extensive industry expertise and a multilingual team, our coverage spans over all major sectors across more than 80 jurisdictions. We are a trusted partner to data and content aggregators, PR agencies, and financial and risk and compliance consultants internationally, helping them make data an ever more powerful resource by getting more out of it, doing more with it and accessing it more easily.

What sets us apart from our competitors is the symbiosis of humans and technologies into a fully integrated ecosystem via our dedicated in-house automation and artificial intelligence research and development hubs. This award-winning approach is at the core of A Data Pro’s strategy, and allows us to generate top-quality, actionable insights with unrivalled efficiency, while continually investing in the development of our people and our growth as a business. It positions us at the cutting edge of our field – as a pioneer in the development of knowledge-intensive services in Southeast Europe, and a leader beyond.