September 2023

AMEC Copyright and fair use: stakeholder gap analysis
During this session attendees will learn:
Current challenges of copyright: licensing models, remuneration and access to the news
Stakeholder gap analysis around copyright understanding, access and fair use from the 2023 AMEC Copyright Benchmarking

Access the full research report

How B2C changes the customer expectations in our B2B world
“Having spent more than 10 years in the media monitoring and evaluation space, I have witnessed how the industry has changed and evolved over the years. One of the areas that fascinates me is how much B2B is influenced by the B2C world and what that means to us as an industry and specifically in the context of our media evaluation and measurement offerings” Presented by Raina Lazarova at Ruepoint Media this session provides 4 key take-aways for viewers.

November 2022

Back to Measurement Basics, produced by AMEC APAC Chapter Co-Chairs Deb Camden, The Communication Dividend & Felicia Nugroho, Maverick covers AMEC’s wealth of resources to ensure all members – new and not-so-new – have a chance for a refresher on three of AMEC’s foundation tools: Barcelona Principles 3.0 Integrated Evaluation Framework Measurement Maturity Mapper. Plus, AMEC APAC Co-Chair Felicia Nugroho offers an insider’s journey to measurement.

Measurement and Evaluation for APAC Client Success, showcasing APAC 2022 AMEC Awards finalists. Gain insights and learnings from the shortlisted entries for communication effectiveness. Speakers: Mikki Lai, Senior Strategist, GOLIN Amrita Sidhu, Managing Director, Medianet, Harsh Jain, Iexadia with AMEC APAC Chapter CO-chairs as Moderators: Deb Camden, AMEC APAC Chapter Co-Chair, Founder, the Communication Dividend Felicia Nugroho, AMEC APAC Chapter Co-Chair, Director of Analysis and Insights

June 2022

Google Analytics 4: the implications for PR measurement, In March 2022, Google announced it would be “sunsetting” Universal Analytics (AKA Google Analytics 3) in July 2023. Next year will see the end of the road for the version everyone has been using for over a decade.
It is being replaced by Google Analytics 4. This is an entirely new measurement framework and platform. It involves brand new metrics, a completely overhauled reporting and analysis approach – and a more complex set up procedure in order to get the most from the tool. Rather than a “migration” from the previous version, in many ways it is a case of starting from scratch.
This webinar hosted by Andrew Bruce Smith will explain the things to consider when setting up and integrating Google Analytics 4 into your ongoing PR measurement and evaluation approach.

April 2022 – Knowledge Share Session – Both sides of the PR Measurement Story – 25 years experience of PR Measurement in practice and academia.

Dr. Prof. Nanette Besson, a much respected member of the AMEC Academics and Educators group, shared her 25 year personal experiences as a PR Measurement Professional. Working as a measurement expert has its own challenges – budget, data collection, time frames, resources. The scientific community, on the other hand, has its own nuances. Reputation is currency and it is reinforced by research publications and conference papers.

As a practitioner and academic there can seem to be a void between the two sides – being too scientific or too pragmatic. Register to hear Dr. Besson’s journey.

Feb 2022

The Future is Data: Careers in Communication and Analytics by a panel of APAC Rising Stars – share the journey of how they have been building their data-related career in the communication industry, see the February recording below to hear from Felicia Nugroho (Maverick PTE), Arun Iyyappan (Intrado India) and Kania Sugandi (IPSOS

Jan 2022

AMEC Rising Stars Q&A panel discussion – Europe and North America. Data and analytics is playing a larger role in today’s communications industry than ever before. It’s critical for brands to utilize a data-driven approach to building campaigns that capture and quantify goals and reach the right people through the right channels, when and where they’re consuming content. With graduation around the corner and summer internship application deadlines approaching, a career in data and analytics offers opportunities for students with a diverse set of studies from mathematics to communications. Join Lauren Hasse, Managing Consultant at Ketchum Analytics and a set of rising stars in the communications data and analytics industry as they discuss the path that brought them to this industry, the skillsets they’ve utilized the most and where they see the industry going over the next few years. This is a Q&A sessions so we encourage the audience to participate and bring their toughest questions.

The panel hosted by Lauren Hasse (Ketchum Analytics) included panelists Majed Alnahwi (FH TRUE Global Intelligence), Caitlin Perry (Vuelio), Catherine Aumiller (Edelman) and Ariana Catalano (Methods + Mastery).

March 2021

Mind Blown: The Eye-Opening Science Behind High-Conversion Engagement with Speaker Elizabeth Edwards, Founder and President @Volume Public Relations and Engagement Science Lab

During this session, Elizabeth reviews the Six Commandments of Behavioural Communication. Long ago someone decided communicators would be too powerful if our skills were combined with what scientists know about the mind. So we call communication an art, and ignore the fact that science holds the keys to what happens while we process communication and make decisions.
Then backfire happens. Misunderstanding flourishes. Debates and divides grow. This madness has to stop. The time has come for communicators to have simple access to the behaviour and motivation knowledge that will improve our ability to connect. How can we create maximum comprehension with words when the exact keys of how to do are not included in professional communication training? Our world is too noisy and the consequences of engaging amidst mis- and dis-information too severe to continue to keep communicators in a state of blindness about their Behavioural influence. It is time for the science of engagement.

1. New ways the mind processes communication and how to use this knowledge to tune your words and strategies for maximum positive response.
2. How to communicate around the biases and filters that are often the real culprit for communication interference and limit.
3. How to apply new science-based engagement strategies proven by brands like BMW, Transamerica, and Charter to increase comprehension, connection, and outcomes.

January 2021

“The use (and abuse) of Survey research in Communications practice – lost opportunities” with Speakers: Annabel Dunstan, Founder & CEO of Question & Retain and Colin Wheeler, Managing Director of Survey Solutions. 

This session looked at:
· How research is used in other areas e.g. customer satisfaction results to drive improvements in experience and improve loyalty/advocacy
· How research is often used in the communications function
· Why are there differences and what do these mean for practitioners and clients in communications
· The implications for media monitoring and insights
· The opportunity for practitioners, clients and monitoring agencies to use this type of data more effectively
· Barcelona Principles and the Integrated Evaluation Framework – making you look good!