AMEC is the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication.

It is the world’s largest media intelligence and insights professional body, representing organisations and practitioners who provide media evaluation and communication research, analysis, evaluation and insights.

We are the founding organisation of the prominently accepted, adopted and applied best practice resources including the Barcelona Principles (1.0,2.0 and 3.0) and the Integrated Evaluation Framework and the Measurement Maturity Mapper.

AMEC thinks and operates internationally, forming working groups from different countries to work together on new initiatives, all reinforced by its vibrant Chapters in Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa and North America

The AMEC logo is regarded as an international mark of excellence in the provision of media evaluation and communication research services to clients.

AMEC, has continued with its Mission of education and innovation in PR and communications measurement and evaluation.

  • AMEC has launched a global “Say No to AVEs” campaign to eradicate the use of Advertising Value Equivalent (AVEs) in PR and communications work.
  • AMEC’s Academic Group has backed the AMEC “Say No to AVEs” campaign.
  • New features make the free to use AMEC Interactive Evaluation Framework, the first interactive framework of its kind easier to use.
  • The AMEC Global Summit on Measurement continues to welcome delegates from many nationalities.
  • Our Young Leaders Group looked into the area of “Fake News” and presented their findings in a special session at the AMEC Global Summit.
  • AMEC’s Not-for-Profit Group goes from strength to strength with 20 Global organisations now members of this special interest group who hold dedicated events and regular knowledge share opportunities and provide invaluable resources for members on measurement in a non-profit organization.
  • AMEC continued its Strategic Relationship with the Cannes PR Lions in 2019 to provide confidential advice on entries. AMEC is proud that in the second year of our panel of AMEC Advisors providing advice to entrants in data categories that more entrants asked for advice on their entries this year.
  • AMEC is committed to the use of International Chapters as a regional forum and delivery vehicle for AMEC initiatives. AMEC has established Chapters in Asia Pacific; North America and Europe and in Latin America.
  • AMEC first developed the International Business Insights Study as the first industry insights survey in 2008 and it continues to be an important strategic benefit for our members to be able to benchmark their performance with others in different parts of the world. The Study is of special value to smaller to medium sized companies to advise them of new trends in measurement in other international markets.
  • AMEC inducted three communications professionals for their major individual contributions to the advancement of measurement in different parts of the world into Lifetime Fellowship.
  • We value and continue to expand the Strategic Relationships we have with other groups, e.g. Institute for Public RelationsPRCAICCOPRSA and Corporate Excellence.
  • AMEC conceived the idea of Measurement Month as a single intensive period of free-to-learn activity and we continue to invest in Measurement Month as an international showcase and November 2018 was a record breaking year.
  • AMEC continues to develop its educational outreach internationally through the online AMEC College which has now seen students from over 43 countries gain the Degree-level International Certificate in Measurement in the last three years. Our Education Group is now consulting with members about the development of a new short online course for 2020.
  • We continue to invest in and develop the AMEC Global effectiveness Awards, the largest award scheme of its type.
  • AMEC is responding to an industry call for more measurement case studies.

For enquiries please contact:
Johna Burke, FAMEC, AMEC Global Managing Director
SKYPE: GoJohnab
Twitter: @AmecOrg @GoJohnab
Twitter #AmecOrg #AMECSummit