Welcome! AMEC is proud to announce that Phase I of our refreshed and renewed website has launched. With simplicity as our northstar, we’re beginning to bring a better online experience to users like you.

The website now has a cleaner design along with a more intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation system that directs you to the information most relevant to you. It’s built on a new WordPress template which provides updated functionality out of the box. One key example: the site is now fully responsive on mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices.

We’ve started the process of bringing all AMEC content to this single destination, amecorg.com and will continue that process over the next months. This will not only improve the user experience but will make our valuable trove of measurement information more user friendly and findable via key search terms. Continuing through 2020, the site will also support a new speaker’s bureau, provide more opportunities for member-contributed content, and more.

We hope you enjoy our new and improved website! For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please contact Johna Burke, AMEC Global Managing Director, at johna@amecorg.com