Contact: Ms. Magdalena Horanska
Tel: +420 225 540 124
Address: Na Pankraci 1683/127, Gemini building 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic

NEWTON Media is the major media monitoring and media analyses provider in Central Europe with the longest tradition, dating back to 1995. We are a group of companies on Czech, Polish and Slovak market with NEWTON Media Czech Republic (headquarters), NEWTON Media Poland and NEWTON Media Slovakia as members of AMEC.

We assist our clients to increase their competitiveness through our value added media intelligence services. Our services are fine-tuned to suit our clients´ individual needs. NEWTON state-of-the art in-house media monitoring technologies in combination with a team of experienced analysts provide early morning relevant news digests. Our monitoring and analyses cover both “traditional” and social media. Clients also benefit from our crisis communication alert service, advertisement monitoring, as well as social media training.

NEWTON media measurement and analyses team of highly qualified professionals works in conformity to AMEC highest standards. We evaluate wealth of monitored data – from media image or product campaign impacts to sectoral trends, consumer insights, issues developments etc. Identifying key influencing factors, understanding enormous mass of information and drawing conclusions from it we help our client to grasp the value of messages reflected though media. Based on our client´s risk and opportunity assessment we provide them with recommendations to improve their performance.

NEWTON Media owns the most extensive media monitoring archive in the region, spanning back to mid 1990-ies, containing press, internet, television, radio and news agency content. Our services are based on our cross-border and multilingual outreach. We benefit from our membership in FIBEP and trade media content with other media monitoring agencies around the globe.