Focus on embedding best practice throughout communications agency sector
A new Working Group dedicated to the specific needs of PR and communications agencies, was launched by AMEC today.
The Group is comprised of public relations agency members of AMEC and will spearhead the organisation’s efforts to spread best practice in the field of measurement and evaluation throughout the agency sector.
The new Group is chaired by AMEC Board Member, Jon Meakin, Global Head of Strategic Services with Grayling.

Meakin says: “Measurement practices vary wildly within the agency sector – and that’s OK as not every agency has the ability to invest in dedicated analytics resources or sophisticated evaluation models.
We are all on a journey, and the purpose of this Group is for those that may be further along that journey to reach out to others within the agency world and start a conversation about what is achievable for everyone, for the betterment of our profession.”
The Group’s launch comes on the eve of AMEC Measurement Month (5-30 November 2018), which will be a major focus, with every AMEC agency member using it as a platform for encouraging greater engagement with AMEC’s free resources, including the best practice Integrated Evaluation Framework. Members will be stimulating online discussion using the hashtag, #AMECagency.
A Slack workspace has been established as a forum for sharing ideas with agency peers, in real time.
AMEC’s global managing director, Johna Burke says: “While agencies will rightly be protective of any proprietary methodologies and technologies they have developed, many have also contributed to the best practice thinking and tools that are available to the whole industry, through AMEC.
The formation of the Agencies Group is a natural extension of that spirit, and I believe will be a catalyst for future innovation.
For further information about AMEC’s Agency Group, contact Jon Meakin., or join the Slack workspace.