AMEC is still taking bookings for the final AMEC Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation course of 2017 which starts in the first week of October. We can still take students if you are quick!
Shandya Sitale, Principal Public Relations Officer, from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, Botswana, said: “I have learnt so much about Frameworks of measurement and evaluation.

“The emphasis on goal setting and measuring outcomes rather than outputs was such an eye opener and it has changed my Department’s planning strategy. We now think of measurement from the start of a campaign when we set our communications objective.”
The AMEC course addresses the needs of communications professionals who want to develop their skills through a modern and dynamic learning approach, which allows them to study to fit in with their jobs but within a clear time course deadline.
The course is taught at degree level over 10 weeks by online learning followed by an assignment based encouraged to be based upon a workplace scenario. Contact for more information.