Life after AVEs event!
Ornico is running an event in conjunction with the Public Relations Institute of South Africa (PRISA) in Johannesburg with the title, “PR and Communication Measurement – Life After AVEs.”
The event will include an overview of AMEC’s Barcelona 2.0 Best Measurement and Evaluation Principles. This year’s AMEC Global Summit highlighted the fact that the global body will be pushing even harder for the eradication of the dated AVE method for measuring communications initiatives. Ornico will demonstrate how to use the AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework as a way to measure more effectively and in line with organizational goals. To register go to:

Education- The key to better PR Metrics
AMEC member P+ Measurement Services is organising an event which to counter the misconception on AVEs being a measurement tool and the Barcelona Principle a measurement method and the need to close that gap through education in the PR and industry communication in Nigeria.
How to register: Contact: Philip Odiakose.