AMEC is publishing new case studies on its website but we are still hungry for more!
In the revamped Case Studies section there are new case studies contributed by Francois van Dyk, Ornico (CEO SleepOut); Jim Macnamara, UTS (Pink Sari) and Karin Drinkhall, Barbaricum (US Army).
Barry Leggetter, AMEC CEO, said: “What’s of particular significance about our newest case studies is how clients are successfully applying measurement findings to define wider corporate policy, whether it’s in healthcare, consumer outreach or government.

“Their testimonials prove conclusively that measurement is clearly making a difference far beyond its more traditional function of communication evaluation and return on PR or marketing spend.”
Case studies are now listed under charities/NFP, B2C, Business etc and categorised under their winning category for ease of reference. It is the most comprehensive go to measurement-related database of its kind anywhere.